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Can I Remortgage and Extend The Term in Birmingham? 

There are many different reasons why a homeowner may look to remortgage in Birmingham. You can find a lot of information about this on our website by navigating to the remortgage guide’s section.

There are plenty of options out there for homeowners, whether you are looking to remortgage to release equity or remortgage for home improvements. A particular option that does not get bought up much into a conversation is you can remortgage in Birmingham to extend the length of your mortgage term.

Why would I remortgage in Birmingham to extend my term? 

Your term is how long you must pay back your mortgage, based on the contract you signed with a mortgage lender. Popular choices are usually about 25-30 years, which is a long time to be financially responsible for something, although it also provides long-term security.

There might come a time when maintaining your payments might be difficult. For example, if your bills have risen, taking out a remortgage to extend your term can help spread the cost of your mortgage over a longer term. Reducing your monthly mortgage repayments.

This, in turn, can release much more disposable income than you can use per month. However, the downside is that your interest will also be spread over this extended mortgage term.

Meaning that whilst giving you that extra disposable monthly income will be cheaper in the short term, by the time your term has finished. you will have spent more on your mortgage.

Can I remortgage in Birmingham to extend my term if I’m borrowing more money?

Yes, you may be able to extend your term if you want to borrow additional funds or remortgage to release some equity in your home. You can usually extend your term with any remortgage product. The popular options for homeowners are remortgage for home improvements or a debt consolidation remortgage in Birmingham.

Again, whilst you will extend your term over a longer period so you can lower your monthly mortgage repayments, you will pay more interest overall by the time your term has finished.

You should think carefully before securing other debts against your home. By adding your unsecured debt to your mortgage, which is secured on your home, you may endanger your home if you cannot make the necessary repayments.

Although the total monthly cost of servicing your debt may have decreased, the total repayment cost may still have increased because the duration of your mortgage is longer than it may have taken to repay the original debts.

When wouldn’t I be able to remortgage in Birmingham and extend my term?

Although there are many mortgage lenders on the panel, there are many factors that could limit your ability to remortgage in Birmingham and extend your term. These include, but are not limited to, your age, the type of mortgage, and any mortgage debt.

Just bear in mind that there may still be options to help you reduce your monthly mortgage payments. Your dedicated mortgage advisor in Birmingham will review your case and look for the most suitable outcome to help you.

Can I remortgage in Birmingham to extend the term of my interest-only mortgage?

This can be a bit complex, as few mortgage lenders will give you the opportunity to extend the duration of your interest-only mortgage. Some may not have an issue with this, though you will still owe the lump sum of interest once your term concludes and they may want to avoid payment delays.

We tend to find that most residential properties will be on some variation of a repayment mortgage, as a residential interest-only is much less frequently taken place in modern times. Instead, it is more common to find an interest-only attached to a buy to let property.

Not only will you have the same lump sum repayment problems, but a mortgage lender may not allow you to extend your term if the property still has a tenant living inside.

In any situation, your best way may be to consider taking out a remortgage on your property so you can replace your mortgage only with a mortgage repayment. This would allow you to continue by paying both the capital and interest.

We always recommend talking to an expert remortgage advisor in Birmingham so you can better understand the options you may have before making decisions.

What if I want to reduce my term instead?

If you are wanting to reduce your term instead, which can also apply to almost every mortgage situation again. In this circumstance, quite the opposite of extending your term, you would repay much less overall, although monthly payments would increase.

Alternatives to Extending Your Term

Rather than taking out a remortgage so that you can extend your term, you may have other options available to you if you want to save money per month. We have already looked at remortgaging, but what about downsizing?

Downsizing is where you sell your current home and instead move into a smaller house. We tend to find a smaller home could cost less, reducing the need for a big mortgage, which could have lower monthly mortgage repayments if taken over the same term.

A further option, for homeowners over the age of 55, with a property that is worth at least £70,000, is equity release in Birmingham. This could allow you to release tax-free funds from your home, either as a lump sum or in occasional payments, through a lifetime mortgage.

Even then, equity release in Birmingham might not be the most appropriate path for you to take. There are also options for homeowners over the age of 50, such as retirement interest-only mortgages and term interest-only mortgages, known as RIO’s and TIO’s.

As it would work when taking out an equity release plan, with a RIO or TIO, your loan will only be repaid when you are dead or have moved into long-term care, with your home being sold at either stage.

At Birminghammoneyman, we have in house trusted and dedicated later life mortgage advisor in Birmingham. Who will be happy to review your feasible options and alternatives as a later life homeowner, advising on the most suitable path to take, based on what you wish to achieve, and your future plans.

Ask for a personalized illustration to understand the characteristics and risks of equity release and lifetime mortgages.

A lifetime mortgage can affect the value of your estate and it could affect your right to current and future means tested benefit. The loan plus accrued interest will repayable upon death or moving into long term care. 

A Guide to Remortgaging in Birmingham

Remortgage Advice: feat Mortgage Advisor Wayne | MoneymanTV

Check out how Remortgage Advice in Birmingham can Help you

Your journey into the world of mortgages can be a worthwhile experience. Towards the end of your process, you will likely end up with one of the following applying to you:

Whichever of these was the desired route, there will ultimately come a moment when your mortgage term is coming to an end. At this stage, there are several choices to choose.

What is a remortgage?  

A remortgage is where you can use the proceeds borrowed from a new mortgage, to repay a mortgage that you already have. There’s a large amount of various options when taking out a Remortgage in Birmingham, which range from smaller to larger choices.

Remortgage for Better Interest Rates

In general, the initial mortgage deal you are on will last for about 2-5 years, featuring lower fixed rates or perhaps even rates at a discount. In some instances you will find yourself placed on a tracker mortgage that will follow on with the Bank of England’s base rate.

The vast majority of customers will fall onto their lender’s Standard Variable Rate by the end of their term (you may see this referred to through the web as SVR).

Very briefly to explain this, an SVR is a mortgage that has an interest rate defined by what the lender wants to charge and may change. This also will not follow the Bank of England’s base rate such as a tracker mortgage would.

Because of their arbitrary nature of them, these are generally the most expensive mortgage routes to take, leaving many people to look at their choices for remortgaging to get better rates, which we hope will save you a good amount of money on your monthly mortgage repayments.

Remortgage for Home Improvements

Several years into your living in your home, you might decide that something was missing. Perhaps you need an extra room or a larger living area for your kids or possessions, a new kitchen, a new office, or a converted loft.

Instead of moving to a larger house, some look to release equity by taking out a Remortgage for Home Improvements at the end of their term, to cover the costs of such plans.

Project planning and managing can seem a bit daunting, especially when you have to factor in obtaining a building permit. Others would maybe say that it’s a lot less stressful and more satisfying than the process of looking for a new home, selling your current one, and having to move everything that you own.

Further down the line, this may prove to be even more of a beneficial plan, as creating more space may likely increase how much your property is worth, which is useful for if you ever do decide to sell your home or rent it out.

Remortgage for Changes to Your Term   

Sometimes we find when speaking to customers that people may also wish to remortgage in Birmingham for a better mortgage term, by reducing the length of the term they are on or switching to a product that is a bit more flexible for their needs.

When you reduce how long your mortgage term is for, it means you won’t be paying back your mortgage for as long, though it also means that your monthly repayments will be a lot higher. The longer that you take out your term for, the lower your monthly mortgage payments will be.

Some customers may choose for a more flexible mortgage term. In doing so you may gain the ability to overpay your mortgage, which results in your mortgage being paid quicker. It can also give you the option to carry the same mortgage and rates over to another property, if you ever need to in the future.

Though a flexible mortgage sounds like the ideal mortgage type, they usually come in the form of a tracker mortgage, which as mentioned earlier will follow on from the Bank of England base rate. This will mean that one month your payments could fluctuate based on interest, making them a little inconsistent & unreliable.  

Remortgage to Release Equity

Everyone that owns a home will have some level of equity in their property. This can be worked out by looking at the difference between what’s left to pay on the mortgage and the current value of the property.

As discussed briefly earlier, remortgaging can be used to fund any potential home improvements. Still, there are more options out there than just that. Some homeowners will use it to cover long-term care costs, boost their income, have a well-deserved holiday, pay off an interest-only mortgage, or free up some spending money.  

Sometimes when speaking to customers, we’ll also find that some landlords with a Buy to Let in Birmingham will use a remortgage to release equity as a means of covering the necessary deposit to purchase an additional property for their existing property portfolio.

If you are over the age of 55 and have a property that is worth at least £70,000, it may be worth looking into your options for Equity Release in Birmingham. Speak to a qualified later life mortgage advisor to learn more about this.

Remortgage to Consolidate Debt  

Whilst we’re mentioning the topic of equity release, we should probably mention another big one people use their equity for, that being to pay off any unsecured debts that may have built up over time.  

Though it may seem easy to the untrained eye, debt consolidation bases not only takes into account the amount on how much owe on your debts, but also the value of the property and the state of your credit rating. Because of this, you may be limited in the amount you are allowed to borrow for a mortgage.

On top of this, to pay off your previous mortgage and your debts, you will need to borrow an amount that is higher than your outstanding mortgage amount. This will mean that your monthly repayments will probably be higher. Granted none of this is ideal, but you can worry less knowing that you have some options out there if things don’t go to plan.

If you find that you do have a particularly damaged credit rating, you still have options out there. You must bear in mind though that these will not be easy and require very Specialist Remortgage Advice in Birmingham first.

Even with a specialist on hand, there is no guarantee you will definitely obtain a mortgage. You should always seek mortgage advice prior to consolidating and securing any debts against your home.  

Experienced Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham – Get in Touch

If you are a homeowner nearing the end of your mortgage term, wondering what your options may be for remortgaging, we definitely recommend that you get in touch with a knowledgeable and reputable mortgage broker in Birmingham today.  

A dedicated and trusted mortgage advisor in Birmingham will help discuss your circumstances, creating a game plan for the next step of your mortgage journey. It’s always our aim to ensure the second time around is quicker and smoother than your previous mortgage experience.

Why Should I Use a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham? 

The Benefits of Using a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham

Why use a Mortgage Broker? | MoneymanTV 

Here at Birminghammoneyman, we believe that there are many positives to using the services of a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, instead of going direct. That is just our opinion though, of course, we would say that!

There are loads of positives going elsewhere, so it is worth exploring your mortgage options. Thankfully for us, most people will opt to speak with a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of both routes.

Mortgage Broker in Birmingham vs Going Direct in Birmingham

The first benefit of going to a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham is that whilst most high street banks can be approached directly, not all mortgage lenders can be.

This means that to get the best deal across all lenders on our panel, you will benefit from speaking with a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, though a mortgage lender may still have some deals you cannot get going to a mortgage broker.

An experienced Mortgage Broker in Birmingham will typically require a fee, whereas this may not be the case when going direct. That said, we can help to recommend other services that you may need for much cheaper than they might be with a lender.

In previous arguments some would say that “the bank manager knows my finances inside out,” but this was no longer the case once credit scoring was introduced.

If you know what you are doing and what you are looking for, going direct can be a quick and straightforward process. On the other hand, if you do not know what you are doing, you could harm your chances of ever obtaining a mortgage, as you will not match all lender’s criteria.

A trusted Mortgage Broker in Birmingham will be able to go over the different lenders’ mortgage criteria and will be able to match you up with the most suitable mortgage deal. We always aim to get this recommendation right first time.

Mortgage Advice Past vs Present 

Back in the day, mortgage advisors from high street banks would approve you for a mortgage, regardless of circumstances. You would not benefit from correct Mortgage Advice in Birmingham or any consumer protection.

In 2014, the government banned this type of practice. Now, only experienced Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham could go about providing expert Mortgage Advice in Birmingham to customers and making recommendations for products.

The only downside is speaking with specific individuals at a bank, which means you could be waiting months, just to speak with someone.

Because of this, the usage of a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham became more popular. As a company ourselves, we offer various time slots seven days a week, allowing you to pick a time that is convenient to you, and not months in advance!

Quite often, if you book your free initial mortgage appointment early, you may be able to speak with one of our Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham on the same day.

Modern Day Challenges 

Nowadays, the most difficult part of the mortgage process is matching up against the right mortgage lenders’ criteria. It is also essential to remember that deals with the lowest rates often have higher arrangement fees.

You may have come across a really good deal, only to find that you need to pass affordability checks and be eligible for that deal in the first place. With the help of a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, we will be able to find the most suitable deals that are suitable for you.

Newer Regulations 

Thanks in part to the regulations that followed after the credit crunch back in 2008, mortgage applications perhaps are not as straightforward as they used to be.

This is not necessarily a terrible thing, however, as it makes lenders have less of a chance of anyone falling into arrears, which both customers and mortgage lenders do not want to occur.

There are still a lot of situations that could cause some issues for applicants, some of which a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham may be able to help with. 

Lending Criteria 

As an expert Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, we have seen mortgage lenders demonstrating their competitive prowess, trying to offer better interest rates than their fellow mortgage lenders.

Because of the changes to regulations, the other difference between these lenders is their mortgage lending criteria and whether the customer can match up with them.

Examples of how these can differ, is that some mortgage lenders may have more products for self employed applicants than others, whereas others may not but will be more lenient to something like bad credit mortgages. If you are looking at getting a mortgage as a self-employed applicant, check out our article all about getting a mortgage as a self-employed applicant in Birmingham.

Still, need more convincing?

Our trusted mortgage advisors in Birmingham will always keep you in the loop, with availability from early until late, every day of the week, responding as soon as they can.

With our services as a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, is that nowadays people are so busy. It is often easier to use a professional service, to take the stress off your shoulders.

This is especially beneficial for professional applicants who are dealing with customers of their own, not having the time to run through their process themselves. 

The Benefit of a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham

From your first initial touch we will discuss your case, and will use our knowledge to help. We like to go above and beyond with customers that need our help.

During your process, one of our Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham will be able to discuss the maxium amount you can borrow and supply you with an agreement in principle, which can help when making an offer on a property. As well as recommend additional services like solicitors and property surveys.

We can also reccomend any potential insurance options with you, helping prepare you and your family for the future, in the event of anything unfortunate that affects your financial state.

Book Your Free Mortgage Appointment 

If you would like to go direct, that that’s fine, but wether a customer is a First Time Buyer in BirminghamSelf Employed in Birmingham, or looking to Remortgage in Birmingham, they prefer to enlist the services of an expert Mortgage Broker in Birmingham. 

Book your free mortgage appointment today with our Mortgage Broker in Birmingham and our Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham will see how we can help you along your mortgage journey.

How to Improve Your Credit Score in Birmingham

Credit Score Mortgage Advice in Birmingham

A credit score is a three-digit number that use to help decide whether you get accepted for a mortgage.

Utilising the information displayed, lenders will look at your credit report, application form as well as any other information they hold on you (if you are an existing customer). With this data, the lender can calculate your credit score representing your credit history mathematically.

By calculating this, the lender can see what kind of borrower you are and how likely it is to manage your repayments. Your score is not a specific number. Different lenders will look at other factors in potential customers, therefore, it might be best that you approach another lender as you may not be ideal for one lender.

Knowing Your Credit Criteria

Typically, the higher your score, the better your chance of being accepted for your circumstance ‘best’ deal.

Reasons why your credit score dropped?

It can be common for customers to get in contact with our team asking if they Can Get a Mortgage With a CCJ, after being declined for having a ‘low’ credit score. Sorting out these types of cases is something we deal with daily as a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham. We also encounter many applicants who are the subject of a county court judgment (also known as a CCJ).

If you fail to repay a loan/borrowed money, you will likely get a CCJ. Having a CCJ can leave a severe mark on your credit for 6+ years. It would be wise to pay off your debt before applying for credit. The CCJ will show up on your file, making the lender ask questions. Even the little things can sometimes cause damage, such as:

The above are only several examples that could have a negative impact; there might be other reasons you could have bad credit. Whatever situation it is, our team is here to help you improve your score to increase your chance of your mortgage application passing the Lenders criteria!

There are numerous ways to improve your score to try and get you up into that next bracket, and the good news is it may still be possible to secure a mortgage in some cases!

Credit Score Mortgage Advice Birmingham | MoneymanTV

Look at Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

It can be a time-consuming task to try, however, this handy guide may help you go up another bracket. An important point you need to know is that each lender has its lending criteria, so your score may impact what deals you can access. Even if you have an excellent score, it doesn’t always that you will match every lender’s criteria. Sometimes, it’s down to your circumstances and up to your lender’s criteria.

1. Avoid Unnecessary Credit Searches

When you go directly to a lender and their in-house mortgage advisor puts you through for a deal, they will perform a soft or hard credit search on you. This search will be shown on your credit file. In the case where your application is declined, the credit search performed could harm your credit score.

Carrying out numerous searches may lower your chances of getting accepted for a mortgage in the future. Having a responsive Mortgage Broker in Birmingham will be helpful. We always aim to get it right the first time by looking at your credit score and only approach lenders that hold criteria we know you will pass.

2. Avoid Credit Applications

One thing that can sometimes backfire on you is applying for credit, especially if you don’t have a reason for doing so. Paying back the credit that you’ve borrowed may look good on your application. On the other hand, your credit score could end up in trouble if you fail to meet the credit payment deadline.

Amid your mortgage application, we strongly recommend that you hold off applying for credit. You might be able to get away with it, however, lenders may believe that you are struggling for money in other scenarios. Lenders could be under the impression that you are putting it towards your deposit or using it to aid your mortgage payments.

3. Are you registered on the voter’s roll?

One beneficial and easy way to improve your credit score is to make sure you are registered on the voter’s/electoral roll. By being registered on the roll, you are proving who you are. It’s simple, you just go to the government’s electoral roll: and it’s easy to register from there.

When registering on the voter’s/electoral roll, you must provide accurate information. You need to make sure everything is filled out correctly and you will need to use your current living address, not your previous address.

4. The Importance of Updating Your Address

Our team recommends that you make sure that all of your accounts and details are linked with your current address during the mortgage application process. If you are a First Time Buyer in Birmingham, this won’t impact you as much because this is your application.

On the other hand, if you Moving Home in Birmingham from rented accommodation and you still have your parent’s address linked with any of your accounts, your Lender will identify this straight away. Because of this, you need to change your addresses and make sure they’re up-to-date before applying. Your credit score could be affected if you are linked to the wrong address.

In the circumstance where you decide to approach a broker, our expert Mortgage Advisor in Birmingham will support you with this. Your dedicated advisor will check that everything is updated with you to make sure that you are in the best position for being accepted for a mortgage.

5. Don’t Run Too Close to Your Maximum Limit

Running too close to your maximum limit on your card(s) each month will massively affect your credit score. Lenders like to see that you can pay off your credit card balance each month as it shows that you can manage your finances.

If you are exceeding credit card limits and constantly dipping into your overdraft, the lender will see you as an applicant who isn’t taking their finances seriously.

In the circumstance where you are still financially linked to an ex-partner or family member, you might be unaware of your credit score being potentially harmed. You won’t be able to remove your links if the account is still active and live. Make a request with the credit reference agencies to clear your connection.

7. Is it all about your credit score?

In some cases, the lender may be lenient, however, this depends on the lender and how strict their lending criteria are. If there are some personal reasons involved, your lender may be considerate and factor them into your application. As mentioned, it all depends on the lender.

As a Specialist Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, we will always be open and honest with you as well as factor in every bit of detail. Regardless of whether you have a score on the lower end of the spectrum or not, our knowledgeable team of Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham will work hard in finding you a deal that will be suitable for you. With access to a large panel of lenders, some of who offer specialist mortgage products, we will work hard in finding you the one that will achieve your mortgage goals.

Remortgage for a Home Office in Birmingham

Remortgage Advice in Birmingham for Home Improvements

Remortgage For A Home Office | MoneymanTV

Since the coronavirus pandemic where we were instructed to work from, this has now become something that is permanent in many workplaces and has become a popular option. This might have been something that people never thought they would do and have preferred it when it’s been the only option for working. This has resulted in many people fully converting their kitchen, living room, or even a bedroom into a home office.

In some cases, many people were already working from home before the pandemic and some businesses have now decided for employees to from the comfort of their home, instead of commuting to the office. By doing this, many people would be saving a lot in travel expenses and saving them a lot of money.

Why remortgage for a home office?

If you are working from home on a permanent basis, it’s good to have a space in your home for when you work as a way to split up your home and working life under one roof. This is where Remortgaging in Birmingham can be beneficial for making the home improvements. Below is a few more reasons may having a home office can be beneficial:

The Cost of an Extension for a Home Office

In a time of brilliant technological advancements, many homeowners look at Remortgage Advice in Birmingham for additional funding to go towards home improvements to transform a room or perhaps a garage to a new home office. For example, an interest rate of 2% is doable over 25 years it might cost you:

It’s likely that there is not too much more than what you are paying at the moment and it can be a better option to decide the route of improving their home, instead of moving, which can be less stressful and less costly which are involved when buying a home.

The amount you will need to pay back per month will depend on many characters as well as the amount you can borrow overall. It all comes down to what you are looking to do and how you are going to do it, like the size of the extension. If you are looking to remortgage, you will also need to consider that you will be required to undergo another affordability assessment, regardless of whether you go to the same lender and just switch deals.

Are you looking to remortgage for a home office?

In the case where you are looking to remortgage for any home improvements, now is the best time to look for a remortgage deal and there are some top reasons to consider a remortgage. Our Mortgage Broker in Birmingham have access to thousands of remortgage deals that our Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham can search through to find you the deal that is fitting for you and your situation.

With an expert team of friendly Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham we can provide expert Remortgage Advice in Birmingham, to explore all your options and lend a helping hand to get you through the remortgage process, saving your time and money.

Free Remortgage Review

Once you get to the end of your term, your will lapse straight onto your lender’s standard variable rate of interest (SVR). This rate, when compared to your current rate, will likely be higher and increase your mortgage payments. Moreover, if you were to have a mortgage review before your fixed term ends, you could end up saving money, this highlights the importance of having your mortgage reviewed in Birmingham.

As it’s coming up to the end of your mortgage term, you should start thinking about Remortgaging in Birmingham. Getting a remortgage review booked in with a Remortgage Advisor in Birmingham could help you access a better, competitive product.

Can I Get a Mortgage in Birmingham with an IVA?

What is an IVA?

An IVA, or an individual voluntary agreement, is a legally contracted agreement between the person who owes the debt and the creditor (individual/organisation that has loaned the money). This agreement will outline a way for the debt to be prepared over a set period. In most cases, if the amount that you owe exceeds £500, you could be enrolled on an IVA.

The idea is to create a repayment plan to pay off the debt. Usually, the plan will run over 5 years. An IVA will be set up by an insolvency practitioner, who will have specialist knowledge of debt repayment. They will liaise with the creditor on your behalf and make sure that you are meeting your payments on time.

At the end of the day, IVAs are put in place to help the debtor repay what they owe. They were introduced to help people repay their debt, not make them financially worse off. Our Specialist Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham can help answer your mortgage questions surrounding IVAs.

Does an IVA Affect my Credit Score?

Whilst an IVA can reflect negatively on your credit rating, it is not impossible to get a mortgage with one in your name, there are a few different ways to improve your Credit Score in Birmingham, which you may find beneficial. Having an IVA shows the mortgage lender that you have previously failed to pay off a credit agreement. A mortgage is a huge credit commitment and lenders cannot afford for you to miss your repayments.

If you are looking at taking out a mortgage with an IVA, you will also need written approval from the creditors you originally borrowed money from. They may not agree to these terms and your application may be unsuccessful. If you were to receive a lump sum or gain an extra source of income, the creditor may want you to put it towards paying off your IVA.

Your insolvency practitioner will be able to speak with your creditors and try to come to an arrangement. You may need to pay a certain amount back or be enrolled for over a certain amount of time etc. before you are able to submit a mortgage application.

Is an IVA right for me?

Some people may not receive an IVA, and this is purely down to affordability. If someone cannot afford to maintain their credit agreements, they may not be able to maintain their IVA repayments.

Before taking out an IVA, the insolvency practitioner checks that you have enough disposable income to cover your costs of living.

How does an IVA affect my mortgage application?

Although having a negative impact on your credit score, may not stop you from getting declined for a mortgage in Birmingham. An IVA offers an alternative to missing future payments or getting further into debt with the creditor. The more payments you miss, the more harm you are doing to your credit score. Also, the lower your credit score the more deposit you may have to put down.

When assessing a mortgage application, lenders look at your affordability and other credit agreements, therefore, they will be able to see the IVA on your file. Like defaults, they may even be able to why you have been put on an IVA and how much you owe the creditor. Depending on various factors, they may decline your application.

As a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, we would recommend not applying for a mortgage if you’ve only just been put on an IVA. Your lender will not know whether you’re reliable yet or not either.

Can I get a mortgage after an IVA?

Once an IVA has paid off, because you have cleared the debt, you may be more likely to get accepted for a mortgage. This is not a guarantee though.

Your credit score will still likely be lower, which can impact the sort of deals that will be available. In Birmingham, we would advise that you seek Specialist Mortgage Advice in Birmingham before applying for any of these products. We are very experienced in this field and have advisors that may be able to help.

If you already have a mortgage, you’ll benefit from discussing Remortgage Advice in Birmingham with us, from there we’ll explore your remortgage options. Remember, credit can be built up over time and most of the time it’s best to pay off your IVA.

What is a Property Survey Should I Choose in Birmingham?

Property Survey Mortgage Advice in Birmingham

Different Types of Property Surveys in Birmingham | MoneymanTV

If you are a first time buyer in Birmingham, and recently have had an offer accepted on a property but, is the house actually worth what you’ve said you’ll pay for it? In order to establish the true value of a property as well as the overall condition, a property survey will be carried out. This survey will highlight any issues with the property like major/minor damages.

Buying a property can be the most expensive commitment of your life, therefore, it’s important that you know exactly the costs of buying a home in Birmingham. If you’re not careful, you may be paying more for some parts of the process than you originally thought.

Different Types of Property Survey Avaliable in Birmingham

The different types of property surveys include Mortgage Valuations, Homebuyer’s Report and Full Structural Survey. In some cases, a property survey can be carried out free of charge depending on the lender that you use.

The type of survey differentiates depending on the outcomes of the survey report. You might want one that is more in-depth, whereas others will only briefly speak about certain aspects. The survey will be more pricey depending on how in-depth the survey is. In the event that you find something on your survey about your property that you weren’t informed about, by law, you are allowed to approach the seller and work out an alternative price, if necessary.

Mortgage Valuation

The simplest type of survey is Mortgage Valuations. This is carried out to determine how much a property is actually worth. It’s helpful for the lender as they need to be sure that the property price matches how much you are set to borrow from them. For instance, if you put in an offer above the property’s actual value, it’s likely the seller will accept your offer, but your lender won’t. Unless you have the funds to make up the difference the lender will put out of the deal. This is called a down valuation.

The one drawback with this type of survey is that it will only point out obvious repairs and damages so will lack depth. On the other hand, it does highlight any clear structural defects that will require a further look at. If you are wanting a more in-depth property assessment, you will need to pay more to upgrade your survey. It may be more expensive but, it may benefit you in the long run.

Homebuyer’s Report

This type of report focuses on safety. A Homebuyer’s Report answers the questions of whether the property is safe and if it’s suitable to live in. The surveyor will look at any mould problems, damp issues or something that does not pass the current building laws. A property expert will carry this out. It’s their job to examine the property thoroughly to make sure it’s safe to live in.

Full Structural Survey

When it comes to making an offer on an older building, as a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, we strongly advise you to take up a Full Structural Survey.

Because the whole property is surveyed, this is the most pricey of property surveys. A Full Structural Survey will also provide an in-depth insight into the property compared to the three main surveys. The survey will highlight what condition the property is in and what changes need to be made if the property purchase goes through. It can take as long as a full day to carry out a Full Structural Survey, however, this does depend on the size of the property.

Do I need to get a survey on a new build?

If you have accepted an offer on a new build, the survey will work slightly differently. There is a type of survey especially for new builds called a Snagging Survey. It points out both minor and major issues, like a missing hinge on a door to cracks in the ceiling.

When the new has already been built and it’s ready for you to move into, it’s wise for you to get a snagging survey carried out on it before moving in. By doing this, you are giving yourself the option to negotiate to price if there are any issues with the property.

Get in Touch With a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham

Feel free to contact our mortgage team if you are unsure about what property survey is the right one for you. Our experience has given us the opportunity to help many first time buyers and home mover in Birmingham get onto the property ladder, we’ll help you recommend and choose the right property survey for you!

If you are looking for a surveyor to carry out a Homebuyer report or building survey, you can obtain these services through the Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors.

Cost of Buying a Home in Birmingham

Whether you are first time buyer in Birmingham beginning the mortgage journey or you have gone through this before and are looking to to move home, our fast and friendly service could help you. We’ll provide a tailored service that can help you get prepared for a mortgage in Birmingham.

Spring Clean Your Mortgage in Birmingham

Mortgage Review Advice in Birmingham

Have you been on the same mortgage rate ever since you’ve bought your property? If so, it may be time to spring clean your finances and get a mortgage review. Doing so may even allow you to access a more suitable mortgage deal!

What is a Mortgage Review?

To put it simply, getting a mortgage review is a look-over of your current mortgage product to check if you can get a better deal or not.

When applying for a Remortgage in Birmingham, your Mortgage Advisor in Birmingham will want to know all about your current deal so that they can compare products.

They will look at your current rate of interest, monthly payments, etc. as well as factoring in your current financial and personal situation. If your dedicated Mortgage Advisor in Birmingham can’t find a better deal for you, they’ll be honest with you and recommend that you stick with your current deal.

Why should I get a Mortgage Review?

Spring cleaning your finances by getting a mortgage review could help you secure a competitive mortgage product. If you’ve been managing to keep up-to-date with your mortgage payments and have kept improving your credit score to make sure it stays in the green, you may be able to get a better mortgage deal.

Having a mortgage review and then switching products to a new lender is called a remortgage, whereas having a mortgage review and then switching to a new deal with the same lender is called a product transfer. Depending on the deals available to you, it may be better to choose one over the other, or none at all, and stay on your current deal.

You must know that you are never guaranteed a better deal when you go for a mortgage review. It’s always worth the look though since you can receive a free mortgage review with one of our expert Remortgage Advisors in Birmingham.

How can I get a mortgage review in Birmingham?

As a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, we would recommend that you take up our offer on a free mortgage review. When you choose Birminghammoneyman for a mortgage review, we will search through 1000’s mortgage deals on your behalf, trying to find the perfect one for you.

Our Mortgage Advisors in Birmingham will always try and match you with a deal that is best suited to your personal and financial situation. If we manage to find you a deal that we think will benefit your situation and you are happy to proceed, we will continue to the documentation process and submit your mortgage application.

If you prefer to do things on your own, there are price comparison websites out there that may help you find different types of mortgage deals. Although some products may look good, you should know that not every deal will have accounted for other costs that come with getting a mortgage.

In the past, we have seen customers who have switched online because they had seen a competitive rate, but have had to fork out extra money to compensate for additional costs that they weren’t aware of.

These extra charges may include product set-up fees, early repayment charges, etc. Furthermore, if you choose a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, you will benefit from consumer protection.

If you want to, you can also go directly to your mortgage lender. If you want a mortgage review and want Remortgage Advice in Birmingham, this option may not always benefit your situation. This is because lenders can only offer you their own in-house products, they cannot access deals from anywhere else.

More often than not, lenders can also have long waiting lists, which is no good when your fixed-term is coming to an end and you want to switch products. A responsive Mortgage Broker in Birmingham like us will be able to get you booked in for a free remortgage consultation/review within 24 hours of your initial inquiry.

Remortgaging and Early Repayment Charges

If you are tied into a mortgage deal and want to remortgage, you may have to pay a fee to switch deals. This fee is called an early repayment charge or an ERC. You’ll have to pay this when you pay off a loan too early or switch mortgage products mid-way through your fixed mortgage period.

In Birmingham, our Mortgage Advisors will take any ERC’s into account when assessing the financial benefit of applying for a remortgage.

Once you complete your fixed mortgage term, it’s likely that you’ll end up falling straight onto your lender’s standard variable rate of interest (SVR). When you are on this rate, it’s unlikely that you’ll have to pay an ERC when switching deals.

You should also know that the SVR for your lender is probably higher than your current fixed rate of interest. Lenders SVR tracks the Bank of England’s base rate plus their own percentage and that’s why it can be expensive to remain on this rate.

Remortgage Advice in Birmingham

We have lots of experience in the remortgage game, we have been helping our customers remortgage for over 20 years now. Our Remortgage Advisors in Birmingham are just a call away from helping you through your remortgage application. Now is a great time to spring clean your mortgage!

Book your free mortgage appointment online with a Mortgage Advisor in Birmingham today. We are more than happy to help and can’t wait to hear from you.

What is a Tracker Mortgage?

Tracker Mortgage Advice in Birmingham

Before we get onto what exactly a tracker mortgage is, first of all you may be wondering just how many different kinds of mortgages are out there for home buyers and homeowners alike.

There are a lot of different types of mortgages available to customers, with each of them being unique and demonstrating their own list of pros and cons.

Throughout our article here, we are going to take a focus on the tracker mortgage, what it is, how it can help and why it may be a better option for you to take when you are looking at all of your mortgage options in Birmingham.

What is a tracker Mortgage? | MoneymanTV

What is a Tracker Mortgage?

If you have a tracker mortgage, this means that your interest rate will follow alongside the Bank of England’s base rate, with an additional percentage of interest being added on by the mortgage lender.

Your lender will not have the choice of how much they add on top of the base rate, as it is an external rate that they must follow.

For example, the Bank of England’s base rate might be somewhere around the region of 1%, with your lender being required to add on an additional 1%. So, depending on what the Bank of England base rate is, your mortgage will always be slightly higher than that.

Will a Tracker Mortgage benefit me and my situation?

Remember, a mortgage deal is only as good as the situation that it is put up against.

For example, you could get a tracker mortgage, only to figure out later on that you would be much better suited for working with fixed payments (utilising a fixed-rate mortgage), but you are already locked into a legal agreement with a mortgage lender.

It’s for reasons like this why we will always advise that you do plenty of research ahead of the mortgage process or look to obtain expert Mortgage Advice in Birmingham, to make sure that you are on the best deal for your circumstances. We do also feature an article on why use a Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, and list the benfits of having us on your side.

Tracker Mortgages Historically

A Tracker Mortgage will work out well for you if the Bank of England’s rate is low. It will generally sit somewhere around 0-1%, though it will rise and fall as the year progresses. When the credit crunch happened, the market crashed and interest rates rose.

The highest point that it ever went up to was about 5%. Bearing in mind what we said earlier about your lender adding on an additional amount, you could’ve had 6% interest on your monthly mortgage payments!

If we head into more recent territory with March 2020, the mortgage market gave many in the industry deja vu. This time the panic surrounding interest-rates was brought in because of COVID-19.

This time though, things went a little differently, as the Bank of England’s rate dropped significantly, going down to a miniscule 0.1%. If you happened to be on a tracker mortgage during this time, it was likely that you went down to a 1.1% interest rate.

As you might expect during this time, it wasn’t possible to get a tracker mortgage. The reasoning for this, is that in reality, mortgage lenders are a business and need to make money too. This type of practice would’ve been poor business on their end.

As time has passed (as of December 2021), they have become readily available for customers, though they tend not to be as popular as they used to be.

Tracker mortgages rely heavily on the economy, so if the market is performing well, it’s a solid choice to go with. If the market is performing poorly, it’s probably not the best option for you to go with.

Different Types of Mortgages in Birmingham

There are all-sorts of different types of mortgages out there for homeowners and home buyers in Birmingham, it’s all just about finding the right one for you and your circumstances.

Before you jump into something that might be harmful to you, it would be within your best interests to speak to an expert Mortgage Advisor in Birmingham about what your mortgage options might be.

They will be on hand to help you shop around for unique and suitable deals, ensuring that you have the best one you can possibly get for the situation that you are in.

Perhaps you are a First Time Buyer in Birmingham? Maybe you are looking to Remortgage in Birmingham or at your options for Moving Home in Birmingham? In any case, we believe that you will truly benefit from the mortgage advice of our experts here at Birminghammoneyman.

There is rarely a situation we haven’t come across. Utilising our knowledge and experience within the mortgage industry, we will be able to guide you onto the right path for what you are looking to achieve. Book your free mortgage appointment online and speak to a dedicated mortgage advisor in Birmingham today.

The Costs of Buying a Home in Birmingham

What costs are involved when buying a home in Birmingham?

Buying a property can be the most expensive commitment of your life, therefore, it’s important that you know exactly what you’re paying for. All of the different costs can blend into one if you’re not careful, and you may be paying more for some parts of the process than you originally thought.

Let’s take a look at how much it costs to buy a home and the costs involved with property investment.

Different Costs Mortgage Advice in Birmingham

If you’re a First Time Buyer in Birmingham, you’ll find this article particularly useful as it will break down each cost for you and show what each one means.

On the contrary, if you’re Moving Home in Birmingham, it’s still useful to remind yourself of the costs involved so that you can prepare accordingly.

Valuation Fees

Once you’ve put down an an offer on the property in Birmingham and it’s been accepted, your lender will carry out a valuation on the property to make sure that your offer matches the true value of the property. Factors that could affect your valuation include structural damage, property age, the local market, etc.

Prices will vary for the valuation will vary from free of charge to several hundred pounds. Sometimes, you will be offered one for free as the price is incorporated into another cost or it could be a bonus for taking out a certain product.

They are also different types of valuations, and you will pay more depending on which one you need. For example, if you need a full building survey as you’re purchasing an older property, you may have to pay a lot more than someone who’s bought a new build.

Mortgage Arrangement Fees

Some lenders may charge you for taking out a mortgage with them. This type of fee usually comes with the products with the cheapest rates. It’s worth mentioning that not every mortgage will come with an arrangement fee, however, when they do, you may be expected to pay a large fee, such as £999, depending on the product and lender.

You may be asked to pay this fee upfront or have the option to add these to your mortgage balance. If you choose to add them to your mortgage, you may incur further interest charges. As a Specialist Mortgage Broker in Birmingham, we can compare 1000s of mortgage products on your behalf, trying to find a suitable one for your situation with minimal additional costs.

Solicitor’s Fees

You’ll need a solicitor to arrange the legal side of the mortgage process. The fees quoted by various firms may differ enormously. An estimated amount for a low-value property would be £600. You will provide the solicitor with the new property’s address, whether it’s leasehold or freehold. You’ll also need to provide the purchase price to obtain quotations.

You need to make sure that:

Estate Agency Fees

You’ll only face estate agency fees when you are selling a home in Birmingham. Estate agency fees are rising alongside property prices; you can expect to pay between 1-2% of the property price. The minimum amount is usually £500 to sell your home. Prices may also rise when you look for a more personalised service.

Stamp Duty

Stamp duty is a tax that the solicitor will collect upon the competition of the property purchase, in addition to your solicitor’s fees and disbursements.

More stamp duty details can be found here:

Broker Fees

A Mortgage Broker in Birmingham will usually charge a fee for their service. These fees will be disclosed upfront so that you know what you’re paying for and how much it’s going to cost. 

We recommend trying to use a trusted company that charges upon completion only. Avoid any application fees where your money will be at risk.

Removal Fees

The cost of moving all of your household items to another property can vary, it mainly depends on what service you want, how far you’re moving and how much stuff you have!

If you are happy to hire a van and transport your belongings to your new house by yourself, the service may cost significantly less. It can cost less than £500 in some situations. However, some people will prefer to pay for the full service and get someone to pick up their belongings and help them move. This service can be £1,000 plus.

If you want to speak to a Moving Home Mortgage Advisor in Birmingham, feel free to get in touch and book your free appointment online today. & Birminghammoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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