Factors To Consider When Moving Home in Birmingham

Whether you are a first time buyer in Birmingham or are looking to move home in Birmingham, you will not only be finding your dream home but also the perfect location!

1. Hustle and Bustle of the City or Relaxing Countryside

The atmosphere and general landscape of a location can play a big part in where you want to live. You may find you thrive better in the hustle and bustle of the city of Birmingham or you like to switch off and live in a more rural, peaceful landscape. Each option both have their own positives and negatives.

Checking what transport links are about is important if you are limited to public transport to get from A to B and if you are looking to live in areas near main roads like motorways. Therefore, take a look at areas where there is plenty of bus or train links if this is important to you or if you are close by to a main road for those who are driving.

3. Schools & Education

If you are looking to start a family or have plans to in the future, finding a property that is within a catchment area of a variety of schools can be helpful towards making a decision. You can find this information through local authority websites which will show how certain schools perform e.g Ofstead reports.

4. Facilities

It can be convenient to have amenities within a short distance of where you live. You may have a list of facilities you would like close by, however, one area has some that will benefit you more than others. This is where it’s best to break these into what you need and what you would like. These desired facilities are things like a local park for your children or a gym near home or on the route from work. In some cases, living near a bank can help make financial management easy and convenient.

5. Friends and Family

Being close to your family and friends could be the factor that determines whether a location is perfect for you. Especially if you want to be close to them to help them out or you may need to some help. You may need support with things like childcare which may include them coming around regularly.

6. Value for money

What you consider value for money may differ from another person. The main deciding factor you may have could be a property that you get the most out of your money meaning somewhere a little cheaper and better value for money. In some cases, you may need to compromise on some other factors if you are looking for somewhere that is better value for money.

7. Community

The community in an area could be a factor that determines whether you have a positive or negative experience. One of your desired factors may be living in a small neighbourhood with a strong community spirit. Many communities have a dedicated website or Facebook group that has a lot of local people. On the flip side, you may find community is not a determining factor but you are looking to find somewhere quiet. Either way, it can be a good idea to research the area and speak to the local estate agents.

8. Jobs

A new work venture can be one of the most common reasons as to why people move home. Having a short commute to work would be ideal for many people as it can be a lot more cost-effective. When you are job hunting after the move, it can be good to research the area before moving. You can find out if there are any business parks close by or big companies that may have some vacancies.

9. Property Type

These days, there is a large range of different types of property on the market for people to choose from. You might be looking for an end terrace with a lovely garden, or a modern, urban apartment. Either way, it can be good to look at different options available and find the one that is fitting for what you are looking for and can live comfortably for a good length of time.

Futher in the process once you’ve had an offer accepted, but sure it’s actually worth what you’ve paid for. Tp establish the true value as well as the overall condition, a property survey in Birmingham will be carried out. We do have a handy guide on what is a property survey and how a member of our team will be more than happy to reccomend the right survey for you.

10. Investment

Your new property may be your forever home which means it can be wise to look into whether there is any proposed investment in the area. If you find there are some proposed investments in the area, you need to think about whether this will you benefit you and the lifestyle you are looking for. You may find these changes could impact your perspective further down the line. For example, you may have found a quiet area that you like but there are plans for more housing development on the next street which could impact the overall environment.

Once you start to reach the end of your fixed mortgage term, if you’re not looking to sell up and find a new property, then it’s time to enquire about starting your Remortgage application!

Working from home has now become a popular option in the workplace. This might have been something that people never thought they would do and have preferred it when it’s been the only option for working. This has resulted in converting their kitchen, living room, or even remortgaging for a home office in Birmingham.

Where to Live Mortgage Advice in Birmingham

Once you’ve accumulated a large amount of savings for a deposit on your first property and are ready to take that first step on the property ladder. It’s now time to get you prepared for a mortgage in Birmingham!

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023